Femintimate IntimRelax Vagina Training Kit


Femintimate IntimRelax Vagina Training Kitx offers progressive rehabilitation for atrophic vaginitis, addressing symptoms like vaginal contraction, burning sensation, and penetration difficulty caused by factors such as reduced estrogen levels.

Availability: 2 in stock

Femintimate IntimRelax Vagina Training Kit has been designed for progressive rehabilitation of atrophic vaginitis

What is atrophic vaginitis?

IntimRelax treats atrophic vaginitis or vaginal atrophy, as well as vaginal contraction, burning sensation, and penetration difficulty.

These symptoms can originate from many things, including minor infections (inflammation of the vagina), atypical morphology (excessively narrow vaginal duct), congenital malformations (even slight ones), or simply from the apprehension of penetration.
This disorder is often accompanied by the reduction of oestrogen levels, resulting as a consequence in:

  • A slimming of the vaginal walls and a loss of the muscle folds of the latter.
  • A decrease in the lubrication and elasticity of the vagina.
  • Changes in the vaginal mucosa, which becomes thinner and drier.
  • Changes in the balance of the flora and the pH (the degree of acidity).
Weight 0.225 kg
Size Metric

Trainer 1 Large: 12 x 2.5 cm, Trainer 2 Medium: 9.5 x 1.5 cm, Trainer 3 Small: 6.5 x 0.9 cm


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Femintimate IntimRelax Vagina Training Kit

Availability: 2 in stock

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